Saturday, November 26, 2011

Video of our Journey to Bring Yana Home!

I wanted to share this video with you to help give you a little look into our journey to bring Yana home! Thank you so much for your prayers throughout this entire journey! Please keep Yana and our family in your prayers! My prayer is that Yana love us as much as we love her! God is so good! Here is the link!


  1. Can I ask what hosting organization you went through and how things are going now?

  2. Yana looks like a little girl we sponsored through European Outreach. We meet her in Kiev back in fall of 2004. Her Grandmother brought her to meet us at a Calvy Chapel, and after service we visited at McDonalds. I brought her Barbie dolls & American clothes. She may have been 7 yr old then.
    A short time after she left the program and I had no more contact with her or her family.
    Is this the same Yana ?
